On Fixing Position
Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, 2012
49°14'29"N , 122°58'17"W (to describe space, to divide it, to name it), wood, metal, chalk paint, chalk-lime, 2012

There are other ways of inhabiting the world, Page 1, digital Print, 44 x 60", 2012

A South African Garden (1982-1992), edited home video, 13'33", 2012
There are other ways of inhabiting the world, publication, cloth bound, silver foil, ribbon, 86 pp, 6 x 9", 2012
Production and Design by Derek Bruce Durand and Christy Nyiri

Orientation Devices 1, 2 and 3
Orientation Device 1: Sundial (any straight line facing North), steel, 12" cantilevered at 45°, facing North, 2012
Orientation Device 2: Sextant (lines are also the accumulation of points), glass, 12" x 6" x 8", 2012
Orientation Device 3: Compass (a point that is lost on the horizon), magnetized steel, magnets, 6", 2012